Celoteh - Sachdar

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August 1, 2009

The Beautiful Enchantment of Nature Village

Posted by sachdar

When we enjoy the nature,
our hearts will be bound up with it, together,
and restore our souls to the place of origin.

When we looked at, there will be the spirit of life
with positive energy is huge.

When we feel,
will no warmth affection
who will fill the vacuum of empty souls.

When we animate the natural atmosphere,
we will forget mundane,
that had been cut off we are without mercy.

When we are close to nature,
our hearts will feel closer to the Creator,
The Creator who is everything.

That afternoon, after a day of struggling with the guests who attended the marriage my cousin, I was refresh myself by looking at the scenery around the place. The sprawling rice fields, greening the earth's surface with grain was ripe. In the suburbs, was a causeway connecting fields between the road north to the south of the village. In the west, were two small saung, farmers resort to remove sweat and exhausted, after a half-day work.

Without realizing it, my view of nature as carried away that afternoon. Now, my eyes focused forward, visible pengrango mountain scenery very beautiful, strong and stand up straight on the face of this earth. I remember when do adventuring to the mountain September last year, although not up until the top, but I'm quite happy to climb the hill foot.

I'm really stunned by the beauty of nature is, how very wonderful carvings on each side of the mountain. Implication, the implication of white clouds floating around, add the perfection of divine creation is not a single human being can match. The sky is a bluish, a background that is in sync with the natural color of the mountain. Mount Pengrango natural charm, it makes me fall asleep, driving up the moment my heart was hungry with natural atmosphere.

Freshness of the water flowing through the shower of yellow bamboo with a diameter large enough that it wants to make himself long enjoyed. The cold can relax their muscles tense nerves, and refreshing mood is frantic.

When i'm doing wudlu [ritual ablution before prayer"islam"], wishing it to wash my face again and again, if only the flow of water from a big time, but the cold water as fresh as the mountains. There was some small expense of this shower, when I finished berwudlu, another cousin has told me as a joke, he asked, 'a', krannya 've closed yet? "Hahaha .... cash only I smiled, because the water here is not the same as in my house. In place, using a bamboo water channel, and derived from the time or the river, while in my home, using a pipe culvert with the end of the faucet, and comes from Jetpump or PAM.


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