Celoteh - Sachdar

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October 6, 2009

The image of a sinner's remorse

Posted by sachdar

Until now I do not know who I am, I live for anyone, who would fit my desire to flow, but I can not get enough of it, just wanted pleasure of my heart, the pleasure that only follow vain my soul, in fact I'm tired, I feel like a slave to me itself, other times I put the mask myself just to be judged well by others, I myself know this hypocrite, a lot of lies going, and I often deceived. I'm sick, I want to run from this, but I'm not a coward, I also do not want to say loser, I'm just not honest with myself, I finally ran to top of edge, I nearly fell, but it seems My Creator still love me, I realized that, I shouted as loud as my ability, until my voice to break. Wrinkled when it once myself, My journey was not perfect, my body limp tired, I can not think anything, I suddenly collapsed and lost consciousness.

In the darkness I was confused where he was, I was so scared, I saw only a speck of white light in front of me, and from the same direction came the sound 'follow me ... ', As I was hypnotized by the light source is approaching, and the voice went on, more and more distant, and disappeared. I feel lonely, I continued to walk toward the light, the farther I go the smaller that point, the pessimists started to overcome me, restless, nervous start covering my mind, if my hopes like that point, if a thin hope. With the accompaniment of sobs my Creator, I pray, I beg Him a chance, I asked for time to fix my fallen, my tears was prostrate of land, even hands and feet feel the warmth of my tears. Not long before I realized, I woke up in the light of a very. Me realize I was in my bedroom, I like getting a new energy, my legs felt like running, and my mind feels clear, what happened to me, I just thought of my sins past, and already my duty redeem my mistake. Apparently I have been treated by my family, one week I had fallen asleep, there are still cares about me, family that has failed me once I find it still loves me, my tears flowed, I'm just thankful to my Creator, I have been given the opportunity by Him, and I must take advantage this opportunity to improve my life that have been destroyed by myself.


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